This is made quickly in 20 minutes and helps very well against short bursts of hunger. The ingredients can vary,
I prefer the pizza with some fresh greens and cheddar. There is also a variant without cheese and with sauce
hollondaise instead, but it isn't as ideal for a diet.
Fry up meat, onions and garlic, spice with cayenne salt and pepper. Cook the asparagus or brokkoli
in salt water or chicken stock until soft.
Spread tomato sauce on tortilla and add oregano or basil. Top with remaining ingredients and put into the oven
on 250° for 5-8 minutes or until brown and crunchy on the bottom.
Thin and crunchy Tortilla Pizza
Ingredients (1 Serving)
1 large, thick tortilla
250g chicken
250g green asparagus or brokkoli
tsp. olive oil
100ml tomato sauce
2 cloves garlic
1/2 medium onion
25g cheese of your choice
oregano OR basil
salt and pepper to taste
Nutrition Values
Per 706g Serving Size
kcal 691
Total Fat 22.1g
Saturated Fat n/a
Trans Fat n/a
Sodium 709mg
Total Carbohydrates 43.3g
Sugars 4.5g
Dietary Fiber 4.2g
Protein 77.7g