As simple as it seems, this dough has proven to consistently result in some of the best pizzas I have eaten to date, even
though it is made in a common kitchen oven at only 200° C. It is more in line with an american pizza, due to its thick and
fluffy consistency than the italian counterpart.
Start with 500g of flour. Dissolve yeast cube in the room tempered water. Add water, salt and olive oil to the flour and
knead for about 5 minutes with your hands, or a kitchen appliance. If the dough seems to be too solid, add 10 ml of milk.
Put the dough into a large bowl and cover with a piece of cloth. Let the bowl rest in a warm spot for about 30 minutes to
an hour.
After the dough has risen to about twice its size, take out of the bowl, spread additional flour on your working surface
and begin forming a pizza of your favorite shape. Bake in the oven at 200°C for about 12-15 minutes, or until finished.
Max Camino's thick and fluffy pizza dough
Ingredients (2 medium or 1 large)
500g + 50g of flour
25ml olive oil
250 ml room temp water
a cube of fresh yeast
10 ml of milk
a few pinches of salt
Nutrition Values
Per 380g Serving Size
kcal 1041
Total Fat 14.4g
Saturated Fat n/a
Trans Fat n/a
Sodium 630mg
Total Carbohydrates 190g
Sugars 2.5g
Dietary Fiber 1.6g
Protein 30g