This one's great for a dinner party, a cookover, or for a gluttonous breakfast. They definitely have addictive properties, so make sure that you secure yourself
a few at a dinner, before other guests ravage them.
Boil eggs until hard. Scare them cold (with tap water). Peel them. Take a spoon, mix the egg yolks with the ingredients, flavor with salt and pepper to taste.
Now the interesting part begins, you either take the poverty approach and use a spoon to but the yolk-mass back into the egg-whites (like I do, unless I have
guests), or you use a small plastic bag (e.g. one for freezing things), fill it up and cut a small hole into the corner. Then you squeeze out the mass until the eggs look
delicious enough to devour them in one sitting. Success.
Hail Satan: Deviled Eggs galore
Ingredients (1 Serving)
4 eggs, Chicken
1 tsp. Mustard
2 tbsp. Mayonnaise
Parsley OR Chives for garnish
Salt and Pepper to taste
Nutrition Values
Per 255g Serving Size
kcal 528
Total Fat 45.4g
Saturated Fat n/a
Trans Fat n/a
Sodium 1118mg
Total Carbohydrates 4.3g
Sugars 3.3g
Dietary Fiber 0.1g
Protein 26.8g